A new animated special called Michael Jackson’s Halloween is headed to CBS this fall. The show will follow “millennial” characters Vincent (Lucas Till), Victoria (Kiersey Clemons), and a dog named Ichabod on Halloween night when they discover “This Place Hotel” at 777 Jackson Street.
The feature will be soundtracked by Jackson’s music and end in a dance sequence featuring an animated version of him. See a still below. His estate is working with the network on the hour-long broadcast, according to The Hollywood Reporter. Christine Baranski, Alan Cumming, Jim Parsons, Lucy Liu, and more will provide voices for supporting characters. No premiere date has yet been set. Jackson was recently the subject of a Lifetime biopic, Michael Jackson: Searching for Neverland. Actor Joseph Fiennes was also tapped to portray Jackson for an episode of “Urban Myths,” but it was later pulled following criticism from his family.
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