18-year-old Allie Dowdle said her parents ceased their financial support of her education after she notified them that her boyfriend, Michael, is black. The Tennessee resident said her parents were more than upset with the news and things only escalated from there. Although Dowdle and Michael relationship took place out-of-sight of her parents, she brought her boyfriend up again to see if their opinions changed and they responded by stopping all financial support of her car, education and phone. “Over the past year, I’ve fought so hard to make my parents see Michael as a human being instead of just someone who is African American,” she writes. “I’ve advocated as best I know how.” The decision led Dowdle to create a GoFundMe page to support her first-year tuition for college, receiving over $13,000. There is two sides to every story. In an interview with the Daily News, her father, Bill Dowdle said the only issue he might have with his daughter dating a black man is due to the strained interracial views in the South. He adds that the basis for his decision to cut her off was also due to her privileged upbringing, and “it became obvious that she needed to go out in the world and grow up.” Her father adds that he and his wife will always accept whoever their daughter decides to date, but took offense when she began to see Michael and a former boyfriend in secret. Currently her GoFundMe support is $28,264.00
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