On Wednesday afternoon (May 29), Lil Durk revealed that he planned to turn himself in. According to a report TMZ.com posted Thursday (May 30), the Atlanta Police Department has issued a warrant for the Chicago rapper's arrest. The celebrity news site says the authorities plan to charge Durk with criminal intent to commit murder, aggravated assault, possession of a firearm during commission of a felony, possession of a firearm by a convicted felon and associating with a criminal street gang to participate in a crime. At press time, Durk is not in police custody.
Von was booked in Atlanta for charges including aggravated assault, criminal attempt to commit murder, participation in street gang activity, possession of firearm by convicted felon and possession of firearm during commission for a shooting on May 17. Durk was arrested with a .40 caliber handgun after he tossed the weapon out of his car when police approached him in Chicago in 2013. Police recovered the loaded weapon and arrested Durk at the scene. He was later charged with unlawful use of a weapon by a felon and released on bond the following month.
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